BRONX LEGEND CUBAN LINK PERFORMING LIVE - PHILADELPHIA. Airis Bar & Lounge. 628 North Front Street., Philadelphia, PA 19123. Cuban Link will be performing music off his new album "The Missing Link" releasing 2023. We will also be celebrating the life and music of Big Pun. Music By DJ Chill playing the best in Hip-Hop and Reggaetón Old School & New School. PURCHASE EARLY & GET THERE EARLY. This party will sell out. This is a CLK Promoted Event. Doors open at 10PM.
BRONX LEYENDA CUBAN LINK EN VIVO - FILADELFIA. Airis Bar & Lounge. 628 North Front Street, Filadelfia, PA 19123. Cuban Link interpretará la música de su nuevo álbum "The Missing Link", que se lanzará en 2023. También celebraremos la vida y la música a Big Pun. Música A cargo de DJ Chill tocando lo mejor del Hip-Hop y Reggaetón Old School y New School. COMPRAR TEMPRANO Y LLEGAR TEMPRANO. Esta fiesta se agotará. Este es un evento promovido de CLK Entertainment. Las puertas se abren a las 10PM.