Event - Argentine Asado Night - Fairfax, Virginia - 2 de junio de 2023 | concert tickets

Fairfax, Virginia

8421 Arlington Blvd

Argentine Asado Night

Fairfax, Virginia·2 de junio de 2023
Compartir con amigos:
Fecha:viernes, 2 de junio de 2023
Puertas:6:00 p.m.*
Edad:Todas las edades
Asientos:Sí, los asientos son por orden de llegada
* Sujeto a cambios
8421 Arlington Blvd
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Información del evento
Event: Argentine Asado Night  
RAFFLE: Included in the Admission, one ticket and one companion USA round trip to Latin America courtesy of Air Canada!

by local company Empanadas de Mendoza and Asado Campero Demonstration by Argentine Chef Vilma Palvia



ASADO ARGENTINO: will sell Sandwich Vacio / Bife de Chorizo, Company Empanadas de Mendoza, Chori-pan, alfajores, and many expositors from the United States, Latin American, and Argentine products and services!  Special Chef Espiritu Parrillero will demonstrate Asado Campero from Argentina for sale!

Who /  This will be a fantastic evening of Asado Argentino; Demonstration Asado Campero onsite by Chef Vilma Palvia from Argentina, networking, music, fest' artists, wine, and of course, delicious Argentine empanadas and alfajores. This event consists of Friends, family, and community leaders who are all coming together to create an evening of Argentine culture for all to enjoy! By bringing together local businesses and members of the community, the Argentine Asado Night promotes the culture of Argentina while encouraging the partnerships of small businesses in the Northern Virginia & DMV area. 

Artists performances: 7:45 pm to 8:50 pm Raffle: 8:55 pm to 9 pm 
Salvatore, Carlos Gutierrez y Viktoriya, Adriana Argentino, Marcos Pereyra, Alberto Cuello, Paola Ruiz Diaz & Los 4 de Córdoba. 
Varrenti Ing. de Sonido. 

What / An evening for friends and partners of the world to celebrate the 36th Anniversary of Festival Argentino during our Honor Award & National Heritage. "Declared of Cultural Interest by the Ministry of Culture". “Declarado de Interés Cultural por el Ministerio de Cultura”. 

Some highlights of the event include Food and drinks for sale, Asado, Empanadas by Empanadas de Mendoza, Argentine wine, Raffle prizes, and surprise performances! 

When / Friday, June 2nd, 6 pm - 9 pm (free parking available in ELKS Club)

Where / ELKS Club - 8421 Arlington Boulevard, Fairfax, Virginia 22031

We hope that you will be able to attend this in-person event and we look forward to seeing you there!

Admission: $20.00 It covers Free Parking, DJ, Live Artists' Performances, and RAFFLE winning. 
One ticket and one companion round trip to Latin America courtesy of Air Canada! 
And, silence auction items!

FYI - Children 1 - 3 years Free (Parent at Asado NIght if in need of a chair bring your own)

For Sale: 1 Asado & Salad For Sale: 1 Artisan Choripan For Sale: 1 Glass of Wine For Sale: 1 Empanada For Sale: 1 Alfajor
A special discount choice menu will be available; a few months before the event.  


ORGANIZER: Festival Argentino host DANIEL MANZONI
Auspices by Fairfax County Connect America, Espiritu Parrillero, Alianza Latina, Empanadas de Mendoza, Cafe Medrano, and more are to be confirmed.

EKLS Club - The company Espiritu Parrillero is sponsoring a live Demonstration of Asado Campero by 
Chef VILMA PALVIA from Argentina will be on June 2nd from 6 pm to 9 pm!

The 36th Festival Argentino will be the next day from 3:30 pm food & expositors to 6:00 pm Performances. Intermission: 7:45 pm to 8:30 pm continues with artists' performances until 10:30 pm
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